Fat Grafting
Fat Transfer
Jupiter / Palm Beach Florida
“I love combining multi-plane, micro-droplet fat grafting as an adjunct to other procedures I perform to counter the effects of gravity, such as a facelift or mid-facelift. It is a great way to address two of the three elements of aging in one sitting.” – Dr. Azzi
Of all the injectable fillers we use at The Palm Beach Center for Facial Plastic & Laser Surgery, fat is the most permanent. Dr. Azzi uses a special technique he developed while practicing in Manhattan called multi-plane, micro-droplet fat grafting. This maximizes the percentage of fat transferred from the abdomen to the face that “takes” permanently.
Fat and other injectable fillers address a critical, yet often overlooked element of Dr. Azzi’s “triad of aging” – volume loss. Over time people lose volume in their faces. This can cause one to have a “gaunt” or “drawn” look. In addition to facial volume loss, recent studies of CT scans have shown that over time the maxillary or “cheek” bone actually regresses. This is a major contributor to the look of sunken or hollowed eyes, deep nasolabial folds (lines or parenthesis around the mouth) and overall premature aging.